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Common Name(s) | Neon Green Rasbora, Kubotai Rasbora, Green Rasbora |
Scientific Name | Microdevario kubotai |
Origin | Southeast Asia |
Temperature | 68-80.6°F (20-27°C) |
Size | 0.8 in (2 cm) |
Minimum Tank Size | 15 gal (54 L) |
Food & Diet | Omnivorous |
Lifespan | 3-7 years |
Water pH | 6.0-7.0 |
Tank Mates | Compatible with other peaceful community fish such as rasboras, tetras, and danios. |
Breeding | Egg scatterer |
Disease | May be prone to diseases such as ich, velvet, and fungal infections. |

Neon Green Rasbora (Microdevario kubotai) are also known as Kubotai Rasbora and Green Rasbora. These Rasbora fish are native to rivers and streams of Southeast Asia. In fact, many of the fish in the aquarium hobby are wild-caught. This means that they can be challenging to find for the average hobbyist.
While they may be difficult to find, these attractive little fish are definitely worth the search. Their eccentric green and yellow body is striking to say the least. An established group of Neon Green Rasboras will display their colors vividly, and definitely become the center of attention in an aquarium.
Neon Green Rasbora Care
Neon Green Rasbora are not the hardiest fish, so proper care is required for them to thrive. These are small timid fish that can easily get stressed, so a proper tank setup is important as well.
When setting up an aquarium for Neon Green Rasbora, consider their origins and their habitat in the wild. They originate in rivers of Thailand and Myanmar, where the water is soft and there is high levels of oxygen. This would mean that there is a certain level of water flow. However, since they are small fish, strong water flow should be avoided.
They are often found in areas with dense vegetation as well. Therefore, a planted tank setup is ideal. Including some areas of dense growth will help the fish feel safe. If the aquarium light is too bright, adding floating plants can help as well.
Adding driftwood to the planted tank can be beneficial as well. Depending on the shape of the driftwood, it may create additional hiding spots for the fish. Driftwood may help lower the water pH as well. In addition to these benefits, a well positioned driftwood can become a centerpiece of the aquarium.
As mentioned, Neon Green Rasboras are not the hardiest fish. However, a well-established school of Neon Green Rasbora can be much more confident and resilient. A healthy group of Neon Green Rasboras often display the best coloration as well.
Neon Green Rasbora Size
Neon Green Rasbora are small fish, and they only grow up to approximately 15-20 millimeters in length.
Female Neon Green Rasbora are generally larger and they have a deeper body shape.
Male Neon Green Rasbora are generally smaller, more slim, and more colorful.
Neon Green Rasbora Schooling Behavior & School Size
Neon Green Rasbora are schooling fish. In their natural habitat, they can be found in schools of 20-50 fish. In an aquarium, they should be kept in groups as well. It is recommended to keep a minimum of 8 Neon Green Rasboras. Of course, more would be better.
Keeping a group of them together would help them feel safe. They will feel more confident swimming through open waters and they will be less stressed. This will translate to healthier fish as well.
When kept in a group, the males will display more of their color. As they try to compete for the females’ attention, their green coloration becomes vibrant. A large school of Neon Green Rasboras is beautiful and fascinating.
Neon Green Rasbora Tank Size
The minimum tank size for Neon Green Rasboras is 15 gallons (54 liters). This would only accommodate a small school of approximately 8 fish.
If more fish are being added, a larger tank would be needed. As a general guideline, there should be 2 gallons of water for every additional Neon Green Rasbora.
Neon Green Rasbora Tank Setup
A tank setup for Neon Green Rasboras should mimic their natural habitat in Southeast Asia. More specifically, they live in rivers between the Andaman Sea and the Gulf of Thailand. These are warm, soft, and acidic waters. The current is usually not too strong, but there is a moderate and constant flow.
Neon Green Rasboras require a temperature of 68-80.6°F (20-27°C), water pH of 6.0-7.0, and hardness of 18-179 ppm. These water parameters will help create a suitable habitat. In addition, weekly water changes of approximately 30% will be beneficial.
Live aquarium plants should be added to the tank setup. A lot of plants will provide the cover that the fish needs to feel safe. In fact, Neon Green Rasboras spend a lot of their time near these thick vegetation.
Since these are bright colored fish, a tank setup with a dark hue will help the fish stand out. Dark substrate and driftwood can be a good contrast to the vibrant green color. In regards to plants, red aquarium plants can provide a good contrast as well.
Neon Green Rasbora Breeding
Neon Green Rasboras are known to breed in captivity quite readily. Even in an aquarium, it is very likely that they will spawn under favorable conditions. In fact, a large school of Neon Green Rasboras in a well-maintained aquarium may spawn regularly.
During spawning, they will scatter their eggs over dense vegetation. Some of the fry may survive, but most of them will be eaten by other fish in a community tank.
In order to breed Neon Green Rasboras with higher fry survival rates, a different breeding tank should be set up. The breeding tank should be stocked with lots of aquarium plants with fine leaves. Aquarium moss such as Java Moss is great as well. If live aquarium plants aren’t available, spawning mops can be used. Once the breeding tank is set up, add a breeding pair. While a school of Neon Green Rasboras may result in more eggs being released, there will be a higher probability of eggs being eaten. Once they are done spawning, remove the adults. If you are unsure if they spawned, removed the adults after 2-3 days. This will ensure that the adults are removed before the end of the incubation period. After 3-4 days, the fry will start to appear. They will feed on infusoria at first. Gradually, they will start to feed on other small live fish food. This includes microworms and baby brine shrimp. Eventually, they will be able to consume other types of fish food, including crushed flakes.
Neon Green Rasbora Lifespan
Neon Green Rasboras can live 3-7 years if they are well taken care of. A proper tank setup and regular maintenance is important for their longevity.
Their lifespan can be affected by the their health condition when they are purchased at the store well. Since Neon Green Rasboras are not the hardiest fish, they may struggle during transport. Many of these fish are already in poor health condition when they are sold at the store. It is important to find a healthy stock to ensure a high survival rate and long lifespan.
Neon Green Rasbora Food & Diet
Neon Green Rasboras are omnivores, and they aren’t picky feeders. Quality flake food can be their staple diet. However, feeding a varied diet is recommended, especially if you intend to breed these fish.
As a part of a varied diet, live fish food can be fed to Neon Green Rasboras. This includes various invertebrates such as daphnia, blackworms, bloodworms, brine shrimp, white worms, and mosquito larvae. These protein-rich food can condition the fish for breeding as well.
As omnivores, Neon Green Rasboras consume plant-based foods as well. Blanched vegetables such as zucchini and lettuce are some of their favorites. Algae wafers are a convenient way of feeding plant-based foods as well.
Since Neon Green Rasboras are small fish, food size should be considered when feeding. Flakes and pellets may need to be crushed before feeding. This is especially true for juvenile and fry.
Neon Green Rasbora Tank Mates
Neon Green Rasboras are peaceful fish that can be kept with other fish of similar size and temperament. Possible tank mates for Neon Green Rasboras include Harlequin Rasboras, Lambchop Rasboras, and small tetras.
If Neon Green Rasboras are being added to a community tank, make sure that the tank mates are not too aggressive. Neon Green Rasboras may not be able to defend themselves against other fish. Since they are shy, it is important to keep a group of them together. A school of at least 8 fish is necessary. This will help them feel more confident swimming through open waters.
Neon Green Rasbora & Cherry Shrimp
Neon Green Rasbora and Cherry Shrimp are compatible as tank mates. Therefore, they are often placed in the same aquarium.
While very small shrimp in their juvenile stage may get eaten by Neon Green Rasbora, adult shrimps would be fine. If you want to make sure at least some of the shrimp survive to maturity, it is important to add lots of plants for cover. While some shrimp may get eaten, a heavily planted tank will increase their survival rate significantly. In addition, Neon Green Rasboras are small peaceful fish, so the shrimp would have a much higher survival rate than they would with most other fish.
Neon Green Rasbora & Betta Fish
Neon Green Rasbora and Betta fish can be good tank mates. However, this requires the right tank setup.
Here’s how to makes sure Neon Green Rasbora and Betta fish can coexist as tank mates:
- Provide enough space. Make sure there’s at least 1 gallon per 1 inch of fish.
- Provide plenty of cover. Add lots of aquarium plants to break the line of sight. This will cause less stress for both fish.
- Add a group of at least 8 Neon Green Rasbora. Being in a group will give them more confidence. In addition, Betta fish will not be able to constantly target a particular fish if they are in a group.
- Add the Betta fish to the tank last. If the the Betta fish is added first, they will see the other new fish as intruders. This may cause territorial and aggressive behaviors.
As long as these conditions are met, there should be no significant issues when Neon Green Rasbora and Betta fish are added to the same tank. Even if the Betta fish becomes slightly aggressive, Neon Green Rasboras are fast fish that can keep a distance from Betta fish.
Neon Green Rasbora Diseases
Neon Green Rasbora may be susceptible to disease such as ich, velvet, and fungal infections. Since these fish are often kept in schools, the disease can spread within the group fairly quickly. Therefore, it is important to identify signs of illness and properly treat them as early as possible.
While there is a number of disease that affect Neon Green Rasbora, one of the most common disease is Ich. Ich is commonly referred to as “white spot disease” and is caused by protozoan Ich bacteria. Fish can be affected by Ich when they are under stress and have weakened immune systems.
Signs of Ich include the following:
- White spots on body
- Scraping body on object
- Respiratory distress
- Loss of appetite
Since Ich can result in death, it is important to identify and treat the issue as early as possible. In order to treat Ich, raise the temperature to 80 degrees Fahrenheit for 48 hours. This will cause the life cycle of the protozoan to accelerate. During the protozoan’s lifecycle, they will need to leave the body of the fish as a tomite. This is when they can be eliminated. Use a tank-wide medicinal treatment like Malachite green or Formalin to kill all of the ich protozoans.
Where Can I Find Neon Green Rasbora For Sale?
Neon Green Rasbora can be purchased from various online retailers and local fish stores. Since these fish do not ship very well, it may be best to purchase them from a local fish store if possible. However, depending on your location, their availability may be limited to online retailers. Regardless of where they are purchased, be sure to pay special attention to your new fish and give them a comfortable, compatible home to thrive in.
Neon Green Rasbora vs Chili Rasboras
Neon Green Rasbora (Microdevario kubotai) and Chill Rasboras (Boraras brigittae) are both small colorful fish. Neon Green Rasboras have a bright green coloration and Chili Rasboras have a scarlet coloration. Therefore, they are visually very distinct. However, they are many similarities beyond their small size. Here’s how Neon Green Rasbora and Chili Rasbora are similar:
- They are schooling fish
- They thrive in densely planted aquariums
- They require biologically mature aquariums
- They dislike drastic changes in the water parameters
- They are both peaceful fish
A densely planted aquarium with schools of both Neon Green Rasboras and Chili Rasboras will create a dazzling visual effect.
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