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You’ve come to the right place if you’re a beginning aquarist looking for the perfect first addition to your tank. A Molly Fish is the ideal choice for aquarists of any skill level for many reasons. There are several types of Molly Fish, all of whom are freshwater fish, and they can be found in a wide variety of colors. That rainbow of colors is one of the many reasons that Molly Fish are so appealing to any hobbyist. Another reason for their popularity is their ease of care. Molly Fish have been known to adapt to nearly any environment they’re put in. Another reason is that they’re a very peaceful species of fish, making them the perfect addition to a community tank. Continue reading onwards if you’re interested in learning more about the gorgeous Molly Fish.
In the wild, Molly Fish can be found in the Southern United States, and sometimes in Central America, in areas such as Mexico. While Mollies are known to be found in freshwater bodies, that doesn’t stop them from also being found in more brackish waters. Molly Fish are very common in the wild, and those found in the wild tend to be a dully greyish color. If you’re looking for a more colorful Molly Fish, those can only be found in captivity. Those bright colors are a result of being cross-bred with guppies for generations. Molly Fish are also known to be very active and unique, each one having its own personality. You couldn’t go wrong by deciding to add a Molly Fish to your tank.
Molly Fish Care
Molly Fish are notoriously easy to care for. These hardy little fish can adapt to most water conditions. They don’t have any outlandish tank conditions that you need to take into account; for the most part, you can keep Molly Fish in a standard tank without much added to it. If you plan to add Molly Fish to your tank, your skill level won’t preclude you from doing so.
Are Molly Fish easy to care for?
Regardless of their body color, shape, or name, a Molly Fish is very easy to care for. They are the perfect fish for beginners to start with, and their wide variety of colors and shapes makes them appealing to anyone, regardless of their perceived skill levels. Molly Fish do not require much experience or work to keep them healthy.

Molly Fish are a very adaptable species. The habitats they live in, while in the wild, can widely vary. Molly Fish are traditionally found in rivers, but they can also survive in brackish waters or the ocean for short periods of time. But for the most part, the Molly Fish prefers warmer environments, which means you should set up your tank with warmer waters. The recommended water temperature of a Molly Fish tank should be somewhere within the range of 72 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. You will need a heater to make sure that you can maintain the higher temperatures required for the Molly Fish.
Water pH
pH is a crucial parameter that you must consider when setting a tank for any species. Molly Fish tend to be found in warm waters with a neutral pH in the wild. When you set up a Molly Fish tank, you want to ensure that you maintain the pH at a neutral level, usually around 7. 5 to 8.5. It would be best if you regularly checked the water parameters to ensure you can catch any slight changes to the pH level of the tank. Usually, you have enough time to set things right before they become a more significant issue if you catch any changes early.
Molly Fish Size
On average, a fully grown Molly Fish can reach around four to four and a half inches in length. Their smaller size means that Molly Fish can comfortably fit into a tank that is approximately 10 gallons in size. But that is not always the case. Some variants of Molly Fish can grow larger than 4 inches. One such variant of Molly Fish that grows larger than the others is the Sailfin Molly fish. A Sailfin Molly Fish, when fully grown, can sometimes reach up to 6 inches in length. That makes them one if not the largest variant of Molly Fish typically found in captivity. That difference in size is why it is crucial that you properly determine what type of Molly Fish you have; you don’t want to keep them in a tank that is too small for them.
Food & Diet
Molly Fish are omnivores, which means they prefer a balanced diet of both meat and vegetation. Most aquarists wouldn’t consider a Molly Fish to be an expert algae eater, but that doesn’t stop the Molly Fish from snacking on algae that grows in their tank. Eating algae isn’t enough to sustain the Molly Fish; these hardy fish need more. Some experts recommend feeding your Molly Fish some zucchini, lettuce, or spinach. You can also feed these fish some live or frozen food such as brine shrimp or bloodworms. If you want to feed our Molly Fish something simple and easy, then the best choice is high-quality pellets or flakes. Most high-quality pellets or flakes are nutritionally balanced and make for an excellent base for the diet of your Molly Fish. If you do plan to feed your Molly Fish primarily pellets or flakes, you should still try to feed them some live foods every once in a while. Live foods are great for the fish’s diet and add some much-needed stimulation to their routine.
Molly Fish Lifespan
As most people know, the lifespan of any pet, fish included, depends on the care they receive. That is the case even with hardy fish, such as the Molly Fish. If cared for properly, Molly Fish can live for upwards of 5 years on average. They do not have the longest lifespan when compared to some other freshwater species. Some species of Molly Fish are more susceptible to bad water conditions, which is why it is imperative that you research any fish you plan to add to your tank. If you properly research, you can ensure that you can give them the care they require, which will provide them with the best chance possible at a long life.

Molly Fish Tank Size
Molly Fish, on average, grow to be around 4 to 4 and a half inches. That smaller size means that you don’t need to have a massive tank in order to accommodate them. Most species of Molly Fish can live comfortably in a tank around 10 gallons in size. Some experts even say that you can fit around 4 Molly Fish in a 10-gallon tank. If you plan on adding more Molly Fish to your tank, you want to have at least 3 gallons per additional fish. That extra space should give your Molly Fish plenty of room and help prevent them from getting stressed. But that is not the case for Sailfin Molly Fish. The Sailfin Variant of Molly Fish grows to be a bit larger than other varieties. On average, Sailfin Molly Fish can be 6 inches when fully grown. That larger size means that they won’t fit comfortably in a 10-gallon tank. If you plan on setting up a tank for Sailfin Molly Fish, you want to start with a tank size that is at least 30-gallons. A tank that size will ensure that the Molly Fish has enough room to swim around stress-free.
Tank Setup for Molly Fish
When setting up a tank for any species, you want to emulate their native environment to ensure that they have the best chance at a healthy and happy life when held in captivity. The native habitat of most Molly Fish is slow-moving tropical rivers. When setting up a tank for Molly Fish, plants are essential, and their native habitats tend to be overgrown with plants. Most experts recommend a sandy substrate, but it’s not very important because Molly Fish spend most of their time towards the top of their tank, so they won’t be near the substrate very often. The most important use of the substrate is as an anchor for live plants, which the Molly Fish will use as shelter.
Breeding Molly Fish
Most aquarists like to try their hands at breeding the species that they have in their tanks. Molly Fish are usually straightforward to breed, and tend to do so without any human help. Keep in mind that Molly Fish are livebearers, which means they do not lay eggs. The female Molly Fish will actually hold the eggs inside of her until they are ready to hatch, at which point she will release the fully formed fry into the water. That is the point where things can get tricky. The Molly Fish does not have any parental instincts, which means that they will likely try to eat their own fry. If you wish to raise the fry safely, there are a few steps that you can follow. You’ll want to start with creating a secondary breeding tank with slightly warmer water than usual in your tank. Next, get a female and a male and place them into the breeding tank. Once they’ve finished their mating ritual, female Molly Fish will grow in size once they are pregnant. After you’ve noticed that they’ve grown in size, the female will be pregnant for around 40 days. Once she is close to giving birth, you must place her in a breeding box. The breeding box will allow the newly born fry to slip through the bottom while keeping the mother above them. It will ensure their safety and ensure that they don’t get eaten.
Molly Fish Disease
As with any other fish species, Molly Fish are susceptible to disease and infections. A common ailment that can be found in freshwater tanks is Ich. Ich can easily be diagnosed by the appearance of white spots on the afflicted fish’s body. Another common illness that affects Molly Fish is Velvet. A parasite causes Velvet; the parasite digs into the skin of the infected fish and creates cysts that are almost gold in color. You can tell if a Molly Fish is infected with Velvet by the appearance of the cysts, as mentioned earlier. Any infected fish will also swim quickly from one side of the tank to the other and rub against rough surfaces.
Molly Fish Tank Mates
Molly Fish aren’t very aggressive and can usually be housed with other peaceful, freshwater species. The best tank mate for more Molly Fish is more Molly Fish. These unique and colorful fish prefer the company of their own kind, which means you should prioritize Molly Fish when looking for suitable tank mates for Molly Fish. If you’re interested in more diverse tank mates for your Molly Fish, some possible options are Guppies, Dainos, Gouramis, and many others. With a bit of research, you can create a diverse and gorgeous group of fish in your tank.
Molly Fish Types
Molly Fish can be found in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and colors. Their wide range of identifying features is due to the fact that Mollies have been bred with Guppies over the course of many generations. Each type of Molly Fish is unique to one another. One might be brown, while the other red or black. Their name can usually give you a hint about their appearance. Some types of Molly Fish are Black Molly Fish, Dalmatian Molly Fish, Sailfin Molly Fish, Balloon Molly Fish, Gold Dust Molly Fish, Lyretail Molly Fish, Red Molly Fish, Orange Molly Fish, Blue Molly Fish, Silver Molly Fish, Yellow Molly Fish, Mickey Mouse Molly Fish, and several others. We will be going in-depth on some of these species of Molly Fish; continue reading for more information.
Black Molly Fish
Black Molly Fish, as the name suggests, are black in color. But that is not always entirely true; some Black Molly Fish can have a single yellow stripe along their body. You likely wouldn’t be able to find a Black Molly Fish in the wild; this is because they are obtained via captive breeding. Black Molly Fish can live for around 4 to 5 years and can grow to be just about 4 inches in length. Although, there have been some noted cases of Black Mollies living longer than average. Black Molly Fish are straightforward to care for, and they don’t tend to have any unique care requirements. If you’re interested in a Molly Fish, the Black Molly is the perfect choice for anyone.
Dalmatian Molly Fish
Dalmatian Molly Fish are very popular due to their unique spotted bodies. As their name would imply, their color palette is very similar to the dalmatian dog. Both of whom have white bodies adorned with black spots. Dalmatian Molly fish are thought to be variants or hybrids of the Sailfin Molly Fish. But that isn’t always the case. The name of Dalmatian Molly Fish only references their color. This means that Dalmatian Molly Fish could be a standard Dalmatian Molly Fish, Balloon Dalmatian Molly Fish, Lyretail Molly Fish, or the previously mentioned Sailfin Dalmatian Molly Fish. Similarly to Black Molly Fish, Dalmatian Mollies aren’t typically found in the wild. They are selectively bred for their unique and appealing appearance.
Sailfin Molly Fish
Simply put, Sailfin Molly Fish get their name from the unique shape of their dorsal fin – it looks like the sail from a boat. Because their name only references the shape of their fin, there can also be variants of the Sailfin Molly Fish that have the colors of other types of Molly Fish. For example, you could have a Molly Fish that has a sailfin and is also blue; that would make it a Blue Sailfin Molly Fish. Sailfin Molly Fish don’t have any unique tank requirements or water parameters, which means they could easily add them to a community tank of other Molly Fish.
Balloon Molly Fish
Balloon Molly Fish, sometimes also known as Belly Molly Fish, are a species of Mollies typically found in the Americas in slow-moving waters or streams. The origin of their name becomes evident once you’ve got a good look at them. Just like Sailfin Molly Fish, their names are only an indication of their body shape, which means they can also come in a wide variety of colors. The bellies of Balloon Molly Fish are swollen, so much so that sometimes these small fish even resemble a balloon. As for the rest of their bodies, both their fins and tails tend to be short. The unique shape and their plethora of potential colors make the Balloon Molly Fish an intriguing and exciting choice for any tank – as long as you have the space for them.
Gold Dust Molly Fish
Gold Dust Molly Fish is a unique name, one that might cause you to ask precisely what color a Gold Dust Molly Fish is. They are aptly named, the Gold Dust Molly Fish does, in fact, feature the gold color, but that isn’t all. From their head to about the mid-point of their bodies, the front half of their bodies are a bright gold color, but from that mid-point down to their tailfins, the Gold Dust Molly Fish has a deep black coloring. The unique coloring of the Gold Dust Molly Fish makes them an eye-catching fixture in any tank that they’re a part of.
Lyretail Molly Fish
Lyretail Molly Fish is a name that describes the type of the body of a Molly fish. The tail fin of the Lyretail Molly is their most recognizable and notable feature. Lyretail Molly Fish’s tailfin has a fan-shaped design, but the tops and bottom of the tailfin have lengthy rays that create the appearance of a forked tail. Because the name Lyretail Molly Fish only references their body shape, there can be other variants of Lyretail Molly Fish, such as the Black Lyretail Molly Fish.
Red Molly Fish
The only difference between Red Molly Fish and other species and variants of Molly Fish is their color. A Red Molly Fish traditionally has a red or dark orange body. Along with their colorful body, Red Molly Fish usually have black fins. There can also be variants of Red Molly Fish that have different body shapes, similar to other types of Molly Fish, such as a Red Balloon Molly Fish. Despite their unique color and sometimes unique body shape, Red Molly Fish do not have any specific tank requirements compared to other Molly Fish. That continues the trend of Molly Fish being the perfect choice for any aquarist, regardless of skill level.
Orange Molly Fish
As some people may know, Red Molly Fish can sometimes have an orange hue. The difference between Orange Molly Fish and Red Molly Fish is that Orange Molly Fish are traditionally more brightly colored than their red counterparts. Orange Molly Fish can also sometimes have a silver-colored underbelly. Orange Molly Fish can live up to 5 years when kept in captivity. Orange Molly Fish will only reach their full life expectancy as long you carefully maintain their tank. Water conditions are essential to the health of any fish, even the hardy Molly Fish.
Blue Molly Fish
Contrary to what some may believe, a genuine, entirely blue Molly Fish does not yet exist. However, some Molly Fish have a few blue dots or specks on their bodies or, in some cases, bluefins. Some dedicated breeders are working hard to create a variant of Molly Fish that is entirely blue. Blue Fish, of any variety, can be an eye-catching addition to any tank. Blue Molly Fish, in particular, would be perfect. They’re perfect because Molly Fish are notoriously hardy, and a blue variant, should it ever be created, has the potential to be gorgeous.
Silver Molly Fish
Silver Molly Fish, also sometimes known as White Molly Fish, are quite beautiful. The Silver Molly Fish has a silvery or milky white body that is usually devoid of other colors. Similar to other types of Molly Fish, the Silver Molly Fish has an expected lifespan of around five years. The Silver Molly Fish also have required tank conditions that line up with other species that fall under the Molly Fish umbrella. A Silver Molly Fish would be the crown jewel of a Molly Fish community tank, and their all-white or silver body makes them an attractive choice.