Common Name(s) | Ember Tetra |
Scientific Name | Hyphessobrycon amandae |
Origin | Brazil |
Temperature | 77-82°F (22 -28°C) |
Size | 0.6 – 0.8 inches |
Minimum Tank Size | 10 gallons |
Food & Diet | Omnivorous diet |
Lifespan | 2 and 4 years |
Water pH | 6.0-7.0 |
Tank Mates | Pygmy Corydoras, Dwarf Gourami, and Guppies |
Breeding | Egg Scatterers |
Disease | May be susceptible to impaction and white spod disease. |
Ember Tetra Facts
- Ember Tetras are also known as Fire tetras. Their name comes from their appearance; their bright orange coloring tends to be reminiscent of a fire or ember.
- The scientific name for the Ember Tetra is Hyphessobrycon amandae, and Amandae is derived from the name Amanda, as in Amanda Bleher. It was named that in honor of the mother of renowned fish explorer Heiko Bleher and the discoverer of the species.
- Ember Tetra was discovered in the Araguaia River basin in Brazil. The Araguaia River is one of the largest in Brazil, measuring a total length of approximately 2,627 kilometers. The Ember Tetra discovery was made there in 1987.
- Ember Tetra belong to a highly diverse species of fish known as Characiforms. They’re incredibly varied and have over 200 different species in 19 other families.
- The popularity of the Ember Tetra has boomed in recent years. This is partly due to nano-tank owners, who like them for their unique appearance and personality.

Ember Tetra Care
Ember Tetra or Hyphessobrycon amandae are an easy fish for anyone of any skill level to own and take care of. Their attitude and fascinating look make them a welcome addition to any freshwater tank. You couldn’t go wrong by adding some Ember Tetra to your tank today!
Ember Tetra Temperature
Finding the ideal conditions for Ember Tetra would start with temperature, considering that they are a freshwater species. Ember Tetra prefer a stable temperature ranging between 77 – 82oF or 22 -28oC. It is highly recommended to have the right tank size, pH balance, and the proper temperature. If all of those are achieved with a balanced diet, then you’ll be able to get the full range of colors of the Ember Tetra, and you can see for yourself just what gave them that name.
Ember Tetra Water pH
Ember Tetras are freshwater fish, which means they live in freshwater. It’s best to keep them with other fish who prefer similar conditions; if you don’t, they can easily get stressed by the different environment. Ember Tetra thrive in slightly acidic or alkaline water, preferring pH levels between 6-7. But they’ve been known to adapt to a wide range of pH levels and water hardness.
Ember Tetra Size
Ember Tetra aren’t a very large species of fish, and their largest size is just under an inch, 0.8 inches. Ember tetra usually range between 0.6 – 0.8 inches. Their small size means that overfeeding can quickly become an issue, and their digestive system can become upset if they are fed too much or low-quality food.
Ember Tetra Tank Size
Ideally, you want a 10-gallon sized tank Ember Tetras. This size allows you to have more than one fish, which You should because Ember Tetra is a very social fish and should never be housed in a tank alone. It’s recommended to purchase them in groups and make sure you have a tank large enough to accommodate them. Each Ember Tetra needs around a gallon of water, meaning eight would fit comfortably in a 10-gallon tank.
Can you keep Ember Tetra in a 5 gallon tank?
Ember Tetra need about 1 gallon per fish. Keeping that in mind, if you own a 5-gallon tank, you should have at most 4 Ember Tetra. 4 in a 5-gallon tank gives each of them plenty of space, and they should be able to relax in the tank, and they shouldn’t get lonely.
Can you keep Ember Tetra in a 10 gallon tank?
A 10-gallon tank is the preferred size for Ember Tetra. In a 10-gallon tank, eight Ember Tetra are recommended. Ten gallons allow each fish to thrive comfortably because each fish requires a gallon of water at a minimum. While you could realistically fit up to ten Ember Tetra in a 10 gallon, it is not recommended to overfill the tank. Overfilling the tank would negatively impact the fish; it would affect their skin tone, dulling their colors Which means you wouldn’t be able to get the full, gorgeous effect of the Ember Tetra.

Ember Tetra Food & Diet
Ember Tetra have a varied diet. Remember that Ember tetra cannot eat much due to their small size or negatively affect their digestive system. Because of this, you should also grind up their food before feeding it to them. This usually consists of small invertebrates such as worms. Brine Shrimp are an essential part of the diet of Ember Tetra. Brine Shrimp helps bring out the bright colors of the Ember Tetra. They’re also not very picky about their diet; you’d even be able to feed them frozen food or flakes. Some fish might also need additional artificial supplements to help their health and bring out their beautiful colors.
Ember Tetra Lifespan
There have been cases where a well-cared-for Ember Tetra has been known to live upwards of 10 years. Ten years is considered an infrequent exception and shouldn’t be taken as fact. Ember Tetra’s average lifespan ranges between 2 and 4 years, and their lifespan is entirely dependent upon their care. If fed the proper food, kept in a large enough tank with the right temperature and pH levels, then it’s likely that your Ember Tetra will likely live close to, if not longer than, four years.
Ember Tetra Tank Mates
Ember Tetra are docile, schooling fish, which means their preferred tank mates are more of their species. A great option to keep in a tank with Ember Tetras are pygmy corydoras. Pygmy corydoras are just pygmy catfish, which means they live at the bottom of your tank. Ember Tetra live in the mid-level of your tank, which means that they leave a lot of food on the bottom, perfect for pygmy corydoras. Another excellent option for tank mates with Ember Tetras is dwarf gourami. Dwarf gouramis take a bit more effort than ember tetras do, but they’re very peaceful. But be warned, dwarf gourami do not like loud noises, so be sure to keep your tank in a quiet area. Neon tetras make the perfect tank mates for Ember Tetras. They’re both gentle and non-aggressive. They also both share the same area of the tank, the middle.
Are Ember Tetra Schooling Fish?
Ember Tetra are known to school with other members of the same species as well as other tetras. The number of fish in their schools depends entirely on the number of ember tetras in your tank and the size of the tank. Ember Tetra schools typically contain at least six fish. If you have only one tetra, they won’t school, and you’ll miss out on their social behavior. Also, if you have just one ember tetra, they begin to look pale, which likely means they are lonely or stressed from their lack of companionship. This stress could lead to an illness that would likely affect their lifespan.
How Many Ember Tetra Should Be Kept Together?
Ember Tetras should always be kept together. If you want them to school, you should have at least six ember tetras, and if you have six, that means you should have at least a 10-gallon tank. The minimum amount of Ember tetras you should have together is two; they likely won’t get as lonely. But you should always avoid having only one ember tetra in a tank; they are likely to get lonely. If they get lonely, their coloring will become pale, and they are more susceptible to illness, which could shorten their lives.
Are Ember Tetra Fin Nippers?
Ember Tetra are extremely unlikely to nip at the fins of other fish. They’re usually timid and independent fish, tending to stay away from active fish. They have been known to nip at fins on occasion; should this happen, it is likely because of stress. The stress can be several things, from an overcrowded tank to a lack of food or even loneliness because there are not enough fish in their school.
Ember Tetra and Betta Fish
Betta fish and ember tetra should be great companions. They both share similar tank requirements and diets. The only potential issue that may arise is if your ember tetra nips at the fins of the betta fish. This situation is improbable to occur: if it does, it is likely the outcome of a lack of enough ember tetra in the tank. If the ember tetra do begin to nip at the fins of the betta fish, it is recommended to immediately take them out of the tanks, as the fin nipping will stress the betta fish.
Ember Tetra and Shrimp
Ember tetra and shrimp should get along fine in a tank, and Ember tetras don’t grow large enough to eat most types of shrimp. Brine shrimp being a notable example of a kind that ember tetra will and should eat. Be warned, though, as ember tetra do grow large enough to eat shrimp eggs or babies. But, for the most part, shrimp and ember tetra won’t interact; this is because shrimp stay on the bottom of the tank while ember tetras tend to be towards the middle.
Ember Tetra and Angelfish
Due to the larger size of Angelfish, it is not recommended to house them in a tank with ember tetra. When angelfish are fully grown, ember tetra will likely fit into their mouths. If ember tetra fit into the mouths of angelfish, that means they’re going to get eaten, as is the case with most fish.
Ember Tetra and Guppies
Ember Tetras and Guppies should cohabitate in a tank well together. They both are similarly sized and have similar tank requirements. Their diets are also highly similar, but their feeding times should differ. Guppies should be fed in the morning when they are active. But both ember tetras and guppies are schooling fish. So, if you have enough of both for them to school, you have to be sure your tank is large enough to accommodate them.
Ember Tetra and Neon Tetra
Neon tetra and Ember tetra are incredibly compatible. This is because they come from similar environments in river basins, which means they prefer the same type of water. Both the ember tetra and neon tetra like slow-moving, warm water. They’re both gentle and peaceful fish that will share the middle part of your tank.
Ember Tetra and Chili Rasbora
Chili Rasbora are an excellent choice for any community tank, as they can coexist with any fish except for those that prey on It. They’re an even better match for ember tetra because they have similar tank needs, and their preferred pH and temperature levels overlap perfectly. Chili rasbora also prefer the bottom of a dark tank, which meshes well with ember tetra because they like the middle of the tank.
Ember Tetra and Dwarf Gourami
Dwarf gourami are a highly peaceful species of fish. Although they take more effort to care for dwarf gourami and ember tetras, they make excellent tankmates. Their preferred pH levels and temperature are roughly the same. Dwarf gourami don’t appreciate loud noises, so make sure that the tank is in a quiet place if they’re sharing a tank with ember tetras.
Ember Tetra and Cardinal Tetra
Ember tetra and cardinal tetras should live comfortably in a tank together, granted it is large enough. But they both come from similar backgrounds, which means their water preferences are incredibly similar. Both the ember tetra and cardinal tetra have remarkably similar diets, which means that feeding them shouldn’t be an issue. Cardinal tetras are a larger version of neon tetra, a fantastic tank mate for ember tetras.
Ember Tetra Tank Setup
Ember tetras are freshwater fish that call small rivers and riverbeds home. This means they prefer slow-moving waters, so make sure the current from the aquarium filter is not too strong. Ember Tetras prefer slightly acidic water, with a pH level of around 7. The temperature in any tank housing ember tetras should be within the range of 77 – 82oF. Their home is also known for its foliage, which you should try to recreate in a tank, most likely using java moss. They also like free-floating plants on the surface. It would be best if you didn’t overdo the flora placed in a tank, make sure to allow room for your ember tetras to swim around. Ember tetras don’t have a preferred substrate, but a dark one is more visually pleasing; their colors will pop.
Can Ember Tetra live in blackwater setups?
Ember tetra should be a perfect choice for a blackwater tank because they’re a very adaptable fish species. It should be noted that ember tetras do not like acidic food, so they must be fed a varied diet to ensure proper nutrition if they are housed in a blackwater tank. Ember tetras are well suited for black water tanks because they can sometimes be found in blackwater in nature, and this is due to the decomposition of leaves in their natural environment.
Do Ember Tetra jump?
While all fish are known to jump, ember tetras prefer the middle of the tank and shouldn’t jump out. This isn’t to say they won’t, but they aren’t traditionally known to. If you are worried about your ember tetra jumping out of your tank, then it is recommended to get a lid. But a cover is certainly not a requirement for most tanks that feature ember tetras.
Ember Tetra Breeding
Ember tetra breeding is something that can quickly happen in a tank that features a school of them. The behavior before breeding is easy to spot; the male chases the female around the tank, which will result in the male depositing his sperm. Female ember tetras tend to lay around a dozen eggs at a time, and they also display signs such as nudging one another or nodding their heads. Should you want to breed ember tetras, separating the parents from the eggs is recommended, giving them their own tank to hatch and grow in. Ensure the hatching tank is well prepared with enough live foliage to hide behind and a sponge filter to prevent them from getting sucked In.
Ember Tetra Male vs Female
Female ember tetras tend to be rounder than their male counterparts because their abdomen increases in size when carrying eggs. Male ember tetras are easy to spot because their colors are usually brighter and livelier than the females.
Ember Tetra Disease
A common affliction for ember tetras is impaction. Impaction is when their digestive tract is blocked; it tends to occur when they overeat in general or overeat dry food. They can also suffer from white spot disease. White spot disease is usually caused by stress and can be diagnosed if you notice white spots on your fish’s body.
Where Can I Find Ember Tetra for Sale?
Ember tetras can be purchased online or at any local aquarium or pet store. Online they usually sell for around $2, but they are cheaper if bought in bulk. It is recommended to buy them in bulk because they are a social fish who don’t like being alone and prefer to school together. You should purchase a minimum of six for your tank.
Ember tetra’s wide range of living requirements and general attitude make them a perfect inhabitant for nearly any tank. Their affordable price and bright colors make them a favorite of any skill level. As long as you keep your tank clean and keep them well-fed, you indeed couldn’t be wrong by adding this colorful and playful fish to your tank.