Danio Kyathit, also known as the Orange Finned Danio, is a peaceful and robust fish which can coexist with many other species in an aquarium. This is a schooling species, and groups of eight or more will present almost constant activity. Native to fast moving water in Myanmar, this species likes strong currents and lots of room to swim.
Torpedo shaped fish, the Danio Kyathit has solid or broken lines along their sides. Males are smaller and more colorful than the females, and will display brighter overall colors and distinct orange fins. This fish looks best in heavily planted tanks with darker substrate. In sparse tanks with lighter colored substrates they can appear pale.
Danio Kyathit Care
Danio Kyathit are hardy fish which can tolerate many different aquarium setups. This species should be kept in groups of eight or more. They aren’t picky about water parameters but do best in softer water. For best coloration they should occasionally be fed live food.
Are Danio Kyathit easy to care for?
Danio Kyathit are hardy and easy to care for. They make a perfect fish for beginning aquarium hobbyists. While easy to keep, they do best in planted tanks with strong water currents. It is important to keep this fish in groups of eight or more. When kept singly or in small groups, this fish can show higher stress and can display more aggression against tank mates.

Temperature for Danio Kyathit
Danio Kyathits can accept a wide range of water temperatures between 70° and 77° F.
Water pH for Danio Kyathit
Ideal water for Danio Kyathits should be close to neutral with a pH between 6.5 and 7.5.
Danio Kyathit Size
Danio Kyathits can reach a maximum size of just over 3 inches.
Food & Diet for Danio Kyathit
Danio Kyathits will accept a variety of foods including flake and pellet. For best coloration they should occasionally receive live foods such as bloodworms and brine shrimp.
Danio Kyathit Lifespan
Danio Kyathits can live up to 3 years with excellent care.
Tank Size for Danio Kyathit
While the Danio Kyathit is a smaller fish they are best kept in groups of eight or more. When keeping groups of this size, 30 gallons is the smallest tank you should consider. This species likes horizontal room to swim, so you’ll want an aquarium which is wide and deep, rather than tall.
Tank Setup for Danio Kyathit
Danio Kyathits prefer planted aquariums with both hiding spaces and areas where they can swim freely. This species lives in fast flowing streams, so a filter system which produces strong current is ideal. The best aquascaping for this species will include rocks, plants, and driftwood. Planted tank substrates can buffer acidity so it’s important to watch water chemistry closely to make sure it stays within acceptable values. It’s important to have a tightly fitting aquarium lid as this species is a jumper and can wiggle through the smallest gaps.
You’ll want a filter which is capable of turning over 4 to 5 times your tank’s volume in an hour. For a 30 gallon tank a 150 GPH (gallons per hour) filter is ideal. Because this species enjoys strong water currents it’s okay to install powerheads or wavemakers to increase tank water flow. Wavemakers are uncommon in freshwater aquariums, but are a great way to increase water flow. These devices resemble small electric fans which can be adjusted to provide the right amount of current. Wavemakers are best used in tanks of 60 gallons or above, they can be too powerful for smaller aquariums.

Danio Kyathit Breeding
When well cared for, Danio Kyathit will spawn in aquariums. But adults will eat any eggs they find. Protect this fish’s eggs and fry by using a separate breeding aquarium. This aquarium should have breeding mops or a layer of mesh along the bottom of the tank. A mesh layer will allow eggs to fall through and be protected from hungry adults. After spawning, the adults can be moved to another tank. The eggs will hatch in 24 to 36 hours, and fry will be free-swimming a few days later. Once the fry have consumed their yolk sacs they can be fed small food such as baby brine shrimp, microworms, or prepared commercial fry food.
How to tell the difference between Male and Female Danio Kyathit
Danio Kyathit females are larger, and have rounder bodies than the males. Males are slimmer and more colorful. These differences are particularly obvious before spawning.
Danio Kyathit Disease
Danio Kyathit aren’t especially susceptible to any particular disease but can be affected by common freshwater ailments such as Ich and freshwater velvet. Many of these diseases can be prevented by maintaining high water quality and quarantining new tank additions for 6 to 8 weeks before adding to your main display aquarium.
Tank Mates for Danio Kyathit
Danio Kyathits are active fish and can coexist with other active species. Tetras, Swordtails, smaller Barbs, and other Danios are good choices. It’s best to avoid slower species and those with long trailing fins which can be a target of nipping like Bettas and Angelfish. Although Danio Kyathits can be fin nippers, they aren’t particularly aggressive. You may find that a large school will keep to themselves without menacing other tank inhabitants.
Some slow moving species such as Corydoras and many freshwater shrimp are excellent tank mates for Danio Kyathits. Freshwater catfish species such as Corydoras keep to lower tank regions. They aren’t bothered by active Danios which keep to middle and upper tank regions. Similarly, Amano or other freshwater shrimp are unlikely to be targets of bullying. Shrimp and freshwater cats can be an important parts of your aquarium’s cleanup crew.
Where can I find Danio Kyathit for sale?
Danio Kyathit can be harder to find than other Danios. This species is sometimes available in local fish stores, but more easily bought from online sources. Expect to pay between $4 USD and $5 USD per fish. This is a schooling species and should be kept in groups of eight or more.